Holger G. Gassner, M.D., Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon (USA)

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Cosmetic Rhinoplasty

Dr. Gassner is your globally recognized expert in endonasal rhinoplasty. Dr. Gassner was rated as the number 1 rhinoplasty surgeon by the most reputable German patient review site Jameda. Dr. Gassner performs all rhinoplasties through soft endonasal approaches. Cosmetic rhinoplasties are exclusively ambulatory, the patient can typically breathe through the nose when waking up, the placement of nasal packs is avoided.

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Revisional, functional and reconstructive Rhinoplasty

Approximately half of the rhinoplasty procedures Dr. Gassner performs are revisional, including a large number of minimally – invasive, endoscopically assisted rib cartilage transfers. Dr. Gassner treats virtually all deformities, including very complex congenital, post – traumatic and revisional scenarios. All of these are corrected through minimally invasive, soft endonasal approaches.

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Cleft Rhinoplasty

Dr. Gassner is regarded as an international expert in cleft rhinoplasty. He routinely performs these challenging procedures through the endonasal approach, which holds in his opinion important advantages. A minimally invasive, endoscopically assisted harvest of rib cartilage is frequently required to correct these deformities. Treatment of the lip scar may be combined with the cleft rhinoplasty procedure.

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Face Lift

Dr. Gassner has been trained in advanced face lift techniques during his residency training at the Mayo Clinic and the subspecialty fellowship training at the University of Washington, Seattle. Important influences include Dr. David Sherris and Dr. Wayne Larrabee. Subsequently, Dr. Gassner is cooperating with Drs. Andy Jacono and Neil Gordon to enhance their common technique of the modified extended deep plane face lift.

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Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty (with or without endoscopic brow lift)

Dr. Gassner routinely performs blepharoplasty procedures of the upper eyelid, lower eyelid and endoscopic brow lift procedures. Over more than 20 years, Dr. Gassner has accumulated an experiences of over 5000 eyelids operated.

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Creation of the lid fold in the Asian eyelid

The creation of a high lid fold in the Asian eyelid requires advanced techniques. Professor Gassner was trained in these procedures with his exposure to a large population of patients of Asian descent in Seattle. He performs this procedure under local anaesthesia with or without sedation, in an ambulatory setting.

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Endoscopic brow lift

Dr. Gassner routinely performs blepharoplasty procedures of the upper eyelid, lower eyelid and endoscopic brow lift procedures. Over more than 20 years, Dr. Gassner has accumulated an experiences of over 5000 eyelids operated.

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Lower Lid Blepharoplasty

The creation of a high lid fold in the Asian eyelid requires advanced techniques. Professor Gassner was trained in these procedures with his exposure to a large population of patients of Asian descent in Seattle. He performs this procedure under local anaesthesia with or without sedation, in an ambulatory setting.

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Hair Transplantation

The principle behind hair restoration is that the hair of the back of the head is biologically stable and retains that stability when transplantated to other recipient areas. Dr. Gassner cooperates with internationally recognized institutes – the Epstein Hair Institute in Miami and the Farjo Hair Clinic in Manchester.

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Dr. Gassner has published on soft and reliable techniques to correct the position of the auricle. Dr. Gassner avoids scoring and incisinal techniques, which have the risk to cause contour irregularities of the auricular cartilage. Proper positioning of all aspects of the outer ear, including the ear lobe, and preservation of the natural contur of the auricle are important objectives of Dr. Gassner´s methods.

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Cup Ear Reconstruction

The so-called cup ear is characterized by an over-hanging and often thickened helical rim, protruding upper aspects of the ear and often a smaller size of the ear. While the size is more difficult to enlarge, Dr. Gassner utilizes techniques to correct the contour and shape of the ear and helical rim in am ambulatory procedure, under sedation anaesthesia.

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Correcting the large ear – creation of a smaller ear

The correction of an auricle that is perceived as too large is achieved through a combination of various techniques. Both the size and the shape of the lobule and of the upper segment of the ear are corrected and reduced. The procedure is performed under sedation and in an ambulatory setting.

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Vertical elevation otoplasty

An uneven vertical position of the auricle may cause discomfort when wearing glasses, and it may be cosmetically displeasing. Dr. Gassner corrects the position of the auricle by up to 1 cm in an ambulatory procedure under sedation anaesthesia.

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Corrective Surgery of the elongated earlobe

Correction of the elongated earlobe may including shortening the earlobe as well as creating a new, rounder and more youthful shape. Deformities oft he ear lobe such as „tunnels“ or „plaques“ can be reconstructed as well. The following is an example of a patient who received correction oft he earlobe together with face lift surgery bs Dr. Gassner. The procedure is usualy performed under local anaesthesia, unless additional procedures are performed at the same time.

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Reconstruction of the heilcal rim

Correction and reconstruction of the helical rim usually requires transfer of cartilage from the same ear. This can be performed without altering the shape of the remaining ear. Other defects and deformities of the ear (pinna) can be corrected as will. In the present case, Dr. Gassner reconstructed the helical rim in an ambulatory procedure under local anaesthesia with sedation.

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Streched Lobes (Tunnel/Plug)

Plaques cause defects of the lobule. Often, large holes result. Correction of these defects requires a surgical procedure under local anaesthesia.

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Gesichtsnervenlähmung Gassner

Facial Nerve Paralysis (1)

This patient suffered a complete facial nerve paralysis on the left side from cancer surgery. Using multiple corrective procedure, Dr, Gassner corrected the corner of the mouth and brought an active smile back tot he face (orthodromic temporalis transfer). He also corrected the patients upper and lower eyelids (not show for privacy protection) and revised the left eyebrow.

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Gesichtsnervenlähmung 2

Facial Nerve Paralysis (2)

This young patient suffered a complete facial paralysis on teh right side.  Professor Gassner conducted an angulation technique (Orthodromer Temporal Transfer) . Thus the symmetry improves and the patient can actively raise the right side of the mouth.

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Chin augmentation

Dr. Gassner corrects a small or retruding chin usually by placement of a silicon implant. This implant is lasting and well-tolerated. The procedure may be performed under local anaesthesia with or without sedation. Usually, the patients are inconspicuous and may go back to work on the day after surgery.

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Endoscopic removal of forehead osteoma lipoma

Osteomas and Lipomas of the forehead present as a lump or bump that is usually cosmetically displeasing. Dr. Gassner pioneered the method of scarless endoscopic removal of forehead lesions. He places a small incision in the hair bearing skin behind the hairline and removes the lesion with endoscopic techniques. There is no need to cut or shave hair.

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Nasal reconstruction

Dr. Gassner has had an important focus on the reconstruction of nasal and facial defects. He has published extensively and has developed innovative techniques, including the pre-lamination of the forehead flap, which has been adopted in major international centres globally. The range of reconstruction that Dr. Gassner performs range from small defects after skin cancer removal to the reconstruction of subtotal defects.

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