Holger G. Gassner, M.D., Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon (USA)

  +49 941 586 50 555 Deutsch English Русский


Contact & Assement of your treatment

We will send you a preliminary assessment by Dr. Gassner and the prospective cost of your treatment, if you send us photos of the area that you would like to have corrected.

Please send the following information to praxisteam.gassner@gmail.com

Requested treatment, possible previous treatments, your age and gener, photographs.

Photos should be taken from about 2m / 6 ft in front of a neutral background. Your head should fill the photo. Please send photos form the front and from the sides for all treatments. For hair transplant, please also include photos from the back and from top.

Prof. Dr. med. Holger G. Gassner

Finesse Center – Fachzentrum Regensburg
Fröhliche-Türken Str. 8
(Navigate to and park at “St. Petersweg 15”)
93047 Regensburg

Tel. : +49 (0) 941 586 50-555
Fax : +49 (0) 941 586 50-559

E-Mail: praxisteam.gassner@gmail.com

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