Holger G. Gassner, M.D., Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon (USA)

  +49 941 586 50 555 Deutsch English Русский

Septorhinoplasty – Cleft Nose (3)

This patient was born with a cleft lip and palate. Frequently, the changes of the nose – both in shape and function – become more evident after puberty. Corrective nasal surgery may be performed at about 18 years of age and older. This patient has had previous surgery to correct the nose in adulthood. Dr. Gassner performed an endonasal revision rhinoplasty in this patient. He placed a „foundation graft“ – a technique that he developed and that has found use in centers around the world.

Image 1: Before–Image:
Frontal view before Rhinoplasty


Image 2: After–Image:
Frontal view after Rhinoplasty


Image 3: Before–Image:

Oblique view before Rhinoplasty


Image 4: After–Image:

Oblique view after Rhinoplasty


Image 5: Before–Image:
Side view of the nose before Rhinoplasty


Image 6: Afte –Image:
Side view of the nose after Rhinoplasty